On May 14, 2022, nine exceptionally talented young musicians competed in the “Golden Note,” a musical competition. In the categories of keyboard, string instrument, wind instrument, and audience favorite, four young women ultimately impressed with their extraordinary talents.
Accompanied by the Big Island Orchestra Vienna, these musical talents showcased their abilities. With challenging musical pieces, they managed to impress both the audience and the jury. Two camera systems from RemoteCamSystems also had the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities. Firstly, a ceiling-mounted Railcam, and secondly, a ground-level Hubcam. Almost imperceptibly, the Railcam moved on rails back and forth between the musical orchestra, while the Hubcam on the ground provided close-up shots. Inspired by the musical performance, the cameras moved perfectly in rhythm, using a Newtonhead to deliver different perspectives and sharp images.
We sincerely thank you for this inspiring assignment and wish the young musicians continued success and joy with their instruments